Richards-Wilbert, Inc. - Verona, VA
Richards-Wilbert, Inc. has served the funeral industry for over 30 years. Our service area includes parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia. We have burial vault manufacturing and service locations in Hagerstown, Rockville and Woodsboro, MD, Mt. Jackson and Salem, VA. Our staff consists of highly skilled and trained Customer Service Reps to handle the most extreme conditions presented to us on a daily basis. Our goal to you is to provide the very best service and product possible.
We bring the highest level of burial vault and cremation product and service to these areas. In 2009 we were awarded Wilbert’s highest level of service award of “Ultimate Service Provider”. This award means that we exceed the highest level of product and service set by today’s standards.
In being a distributor of the Signet product we will carry these standards over to the casket business as well by providing our customers a quality product and service at a very reasonable price.
This location opened in 2010.
Richards-Wilbert, Inc.
13 Skyview Circle
Verona, VA 24482
Richard Ward
Todd Dean